Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Butterfly Bushes (of which there are five)

Here are the pictures of the individual butterfly bushes, starting on the north end.

Honeycomb Butterfly Bush

Honeycomb Butterfly Bush

On February 2, 2007 I had to euthanize my Saddlebred gelding Fantasy, whom I'd had for 23 years. I didn't do anything over him for months because I couldn't bear to go out there, but then I found this butterfly bush at the farmer's market and decided it was perfect for him. It was only about knee high when I bought it. It's so beautiful now! I feel that it honors him perfectly.

White Butterfly Bush

White Butterfly Bush

This is the biggest butterfly bush, it takes off like crazy every year. It's planted over Denny, the little black miniature horse we lost three years ago.

Magenta Butterfly Bush

Dark Purple Butterfly Bush

This one is overshadowed by the white one... I may move it at some point, since it hasn't grown much in the three years it's been there.

Lavender Butterfly Bush

This was the first one I planted, it's over Li'l Bit of Sass, a sweet and beautiful miniature horse who was the first we lost. Like the white one, it's huge and towers over me. It's flowers are lavender and usually copious, although for some reason this year all but the white one seem to be blossoming sporadically instead of bursting into a riot of color like in past years.

Dark Knight Butterfly Bush

Dark Knight Butterfly Bush

I planted this one three years ago and it hasn't grown much. I'm not sure why, maybe it's the kind that it is? I think it's called a Dark Knight Butterfly Bush, but I'm not positive.

Every year I try to improve the butterfly garden somehow. This year it was the monarda, hopefully next year I'll add a new variety of butterfly bush. I can't quite describe how happy it makes me to pull in the driveway and look over at the beautiful flowering plants and bushes.

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