Thursday, July 17, 2008

Pictures from July 8, 2008

I finally managed to get some pictures of my plants uploaded!

Vegetable Garden

Here's the biggest grouping of plants. From left to right, orange tomatoes, sweet potatoes, yellow squash, and wax beans.

Vegetable Garden

This is the same grouping from the back side. From left to right there are sweet potatoes, wax beans, dianthus, yellow squash, lobelia, banana peppers (which I don't think are going to produce anything), and orange tomatoes. I put the tomatoes and banana peppers in very late after buying them on sale, so I'll be surprised if they produce, but you never know!


These three watermelon plants were almost demolished by bunnies, so I planted three marigold plants and they seemed to do the trick. I don't think we'll get any watermelon because it's so late in the year for it to bounce back, but I like it all the same.

Watermelon Blossom

This is one of the blossoms on the watermelon vine.


I planted two zucchini plants in this tire and we've gotten a couple of decent-sized zucchinis from it (one is pictured below).

I also planted some cherry tomatoes in a planter on the deck, as well as some bell peppers that didn't flourish at all. They made tiny oddly-shaped peppers that never developed and fell off.

Cherry Tomatoes

That's about it for vegetables and the tire gardening... my next post will be pictures of the butterfly garden that I add to a little every year. I put it over the graves of the animals that we've lost: two miniature horses, L'il Bit of Sass and Denny, my 31 year old saddlebred gelding I had for 23 years, Petite Jean's Fantasy, my son's cat Kailey and my husband's Great Pyrenees, Buddy.

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